Rear Extension (No.18 Eltins Woods, Kinsale)
Kitchen :removed and redesigned glazed cream kitchen doors and quartz work top with solid walnut plinths and shelves.
Garden : Old decking, timber shed and top soil removed. Top soil levelled and raised planter beds to rear garden with bamboo .Corner planter to kitchen window. Palm trees planted and one olive tree. Stainless steel lawn trims added .Drainage pipes laid to rear garden. New lawn laid. Oil tank relocated. Screen wall added to hide the gas bottles. Limestone patio installed. Dog house constructed of cedar and natural slate with stainless steel dog run constructed. Side boundary wall plastered and painted with lights recessed into wall. New storage shed to house the new boiler designed and built to resemble an old cottage with natural slates and flush gables and gutters.
Sunroom Extension : new sunroom extension added with sloped fibreglass flat parapet roof with stainless steel surround. Large patio sliding timber doors and windows. Limestone floor to match patio to create a continues space inside and out .Floating shelves and Quinn radiators installed. Sliding internal doors and floating gas fire place to living room.
Heating System : upgraded oil tank relocated oil boiler moved outside the shed.3 zoned system installed heated mirrors to upstairs bathroom. New time clock installed. Booster pump to new pressurized shower system. New heating tank installed to provide extra hot water. Extra rads to kitchen area. Underground heated pipe to shed installed. Oil line installed to new store.
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